Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Poem: Barefoot Babies

 Barefoot barefoot, kiss mommy's lips
Barefoot barefoot, scratch daddy's chin

Barefoot barefoot, tickle the grass
Barefoot barefoot, climb the rocks

Barefoot barefoot, splash in the puddle
Barefoot barefoot, sink in the sand

Barefoot barefoot, wiggle your toes
Barefoot barefoot, walk tippie toes

Barefoot barefoot, has gone to sleep
Barefoot barefoot, loves to breath

Note: I was inspired to write this poem to encourage all parents to let their little children play barefeet. In the west, there are lots of reservations in letting children play barefoot. This is not the case in India and most traditional cultures where children are barefoot for most of the time. Being barefoot is good for the sensory and muscular development of the child's feet. Every toe plays a unique role in balancing, walking, running, climbing and all of them should be used actively.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sex is not of the mind

Sex is a widely discussed topic with lots of techniques, orgasm, g-spot and the like. Sex is a loving union of two beings. It is not a technique to be studied or analyzed. All that is needed is to immerse yourself in the feeling and the rhythm of the body. The mind only interferes with this natural rhythm.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Purpose of Life

In my journey to find "the purpose of life", I searched a lot until I found this. Now I search no more.

The purpose of life is to “live in agreement with nature" 
                                                                            Zeno, Greek Philosopher, 4th Century B.C

What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.
                                           Chief Seattle - Suqwamish & Duwamish, Native American Chief

The American Indian is of the soil, whether it be the region of forests, plains, pueblos, or mesas. He fits into the landscape, for the hand that fashioned the continent also fashioned the man for his surroundings. He once grew as naturally as the wild sunflowers, he belongs just as the buffalo belonged....
                                          Chief Luther Standing Bear - Oglala Sioux

The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this.
                                          Black Elk - Oglala Sioux

The Great Spirit is in all things, he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our Father, but the Earth is our Mother. She nourishes us, that which we put into the ground she returns to us....
Big Thunder (Bedagi) - Wabanaki Alonquin

Falun Gong
According to Li when one cultivates his/her xinxing (mind nature or character), he/she can assimilate to the supreme nature of the universe.
Li Hongzhi

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A mind running amok?

Man has evolved from a mere animal into this complicated creature. Why have we evolved so? A life of strife from the moment of birth.

The smallest things, the most natural things now require a goal, a plan, books, courses, experts. When did the mind takeover man's life and soul without regard to instinct, without guidance from the heart?

When did we let our minds run amock? Let us remind ourselves again that the mind is a mere tool. Lets not let the tools and the machines rule us.

Poem: The heart knows only love

The mind knows greed
The mind knows ambition
The mind compares
The mind schemes
The mind yearns security

When the mind is quiet,
All that is left is love, pure love.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the end of doing and just simply being. The mind is still and the body and senses are fully awake. Meditation is effortless watching and listening with the entire body, all the senses with not a thought in mind. A determined effort to meditate is completely futile. Where there is effort, meditation is not possible.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Peom: For a new mother

You are a mother now .. my dear
So long I wished for you this joy

Watch him in the quiet .. my dear
A feeling so deep will swell your heart

Silence all the noise .. my dear
For then you will see the peace within

Hold him to your breast .. my dear
The greatest joy is right here

Cry with all your heart .. my dear
And all the past will disappear

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Core of Hindu Philosophy

This philosophy lies at the core of a Hindu way of life.

You are born perfect

Hinduism says that you are born perfect. To find who you really are, all you need to do is to undo the effects of the years, civilization, society, education, degrees, ambitions and everything else. At the core you will find the pure and perfect self. Other religions tell us that one is born a sinner and have to strive hard to become good.

Self reliance

Rely on yourself. One is born perfect with all the knowledge and instinct one needs. When you want answers, look within! From there you will find the truth, the wisdom. Nothing external, experts, books, encyclopedias can tell you the truth.


We are perfect and we should find the perfection in ourselves. There is nothing to strive for. There is no effort to become something or be anything other than what we already are. All effort is futile. Effortlessness lies at the crux of Hinduism.


Every bit of nature is God. Be it a cow, tree, rain, sun .. anything and everything in nature. Just as nature accepts everything, so does Hinduism.

Complete freedom 

Hinduism allows complete freedom. Everybody is free to choose their own path. There are no rules and restrictions. Nobody is compelled to read any scriptures, to visit temples. Everything is voluntary.


Hinduism does not endorse violence of any kind. This includes the subtle forms of violence such as discipline, disapproval, conformance to rigid rules, coercions. One is free to follow any path. Hindus are not involved in converting anybody to Hinduism. 

Being and Doing

Hinduism emphasizes on Being and less on the Doing. Excessive doing is the result of a restless mind. The action that results when the mind is still and the heart is open and receptive is what is called Being.