Why do I write ?

Friday, June 29, 2018

Guided by conscience alone

The light within
Having long abandoned organized religion with their stifling rules, hierarchies and complex rituals, I feel liberated with the realization that the only guide one needs is ones own conscience. "When I do good I feel good, when I do bad I feel bad, and that's my religion"! As it was for Abraham Lincoln so it is for me.

All of life's great treasures family, love, friendship, nature, health are bestowed freely and equally. So is the moral conscience. The conscience is the ever present guard and guide! Before every action, we must listen to the judgement of the conscience and then act accordingly. There is no need for external authorities, sermons, temples, churches, priests or religious texts.

Mind the light of God in your consciences,
which will show you all deceit;
dwelling in it, guides out of the many things into one spirit,
which cannot lie, nor deceive.
Those who are guided by it, are one. - George Fox

"For my mother, the highest law was man's own conscience" - Pablo Casals 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

My Heart Soars ..

Every day, I have urged my children to see, feel and love the nature around them. So finding this picture of my daughter wearing a goose plume on her hair like the aboriginal people makes my heart soar and reminds me of this poem by Canadian aboriginal Chief Dan George

My heart soars ..

The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain,
the thunder of the sky,
the rhythm of the sea,
speaks to me.

The faintness of the stars,
the freshness of the morning,
the dew drop on the flower,
speaks to me.

The strength of fire,
the taste of salmon,
the trail of the sun,
And the life that never goes away,
They speak to me.
And my heart soars