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Friday, July 20, 2018

The Brahmin Ideals

The immense contribution of India's Brahmin community towards knowledge, culture and heritage is predominantly due to the ideals that are inherited, safeguarded and transmitted from generation to generation. Brahmins are the pursuers of knowledge.

Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan in his book 'The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore' sheds light on the Brahmin ideals.

About the class of Brahmins, it is his (Tagore's) opinion that every good society should have a section corresponding to it.  ... The Brahmins are the trustees of tradition and the conservers of the religious spirit. ...a class set apart for artistic production and spiritual discovery.. 

Members of this class are to discover and bring home to the community the joy of art and spiritual beauty. .. the members of this class are the purveyors of spiritual health and joy to the community. These are the leaders of society, regulating the things in which the community ought to take pleasure, exerting great moral influence on them. Those who are in the thick of the strife of the world have not the time to think of the welfare of the whole community or to contemplate the higher thinks of life. 

The Brahmins, according to the ideal, count poverty a privilege, consider learning their calling, and pursue the ideals of spirit with self-sacrifice and in a disinterested manner. Scorn of wealth and the pursuit of spirituality, regardless of praise or blame, are their characteristic features. 

The highest place (in Indian society)  is given to the philosoper who finds his lifework in search of truth, artistic creation, and moral endeavour.