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Sunday, September 15, 2013

To Kill A Crimson Rosella Bird

I couldn't contain my excitement as I aimlessly wander about the city of Canberra. Canberra is a birder's paradise with a stunning variety of local birds.

The loud and fearless Magpies, large numbers of Crimson Rosella's,  Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Red wattlebirds, tiny Blue Fairy-wrens, the Black Swans on Lake Burley Griffin, Australian Wood ducks, a large flock of Black Cormorants .. the list goes on and on. The most beautiful of all I thought are the colorful red and blue Crimson Rosella's. They were all paired up and busy building nests preparing for the mating season. Spring is in full bloom here.

Picture courtesy:australianmuseum.net.au

My cousin was driving me around the main landmarks of the city. We were on the highway and going fast when a pair of Rosella's flying very low crossed our path. To our shock, the bird in front bumped hard on our windshield several times, went over the moving car and fell on the road. It all happened in a split second. There was nothing we could do. From the side view mirror I saw the two birds on the road. The injured one's fluttering body and its mate standing next to it on the busy highway.

Shock, sadness engulfed me! I shudder to think what happened to the birds.

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