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Friday, December 13, 2013

Types of Food: Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik

My father is a veritable repository of Sanskrit shlokams (verses) having learnt alongside his father Subramanian Namboodiri who was a temple priest in my native village Mundur, Kerala (India). My father has a knack for pulling out an apt shlokam for any occasion. Talking about the 'Vitality of Food' in my previous post, I was reminded of one of my father's all-time favorites on the types of food according to Hindu scriptures. 

rasyah snigdhah sthira hrdya
aharah sattvika-priyah

( Food that promotes longevity, virtue, strength and health. Food that enhances happiness and satisfaction. Food that is tasty, smooth, firm and hearty are dear to people of Satvik nature.)

ahara rajasasyesta

( Food that is pungent, acidic, salty, excessively spicy or hot. Food that is sharp to the tongue. Such food that promotes sorrow, remorse and regret is called Rajasik and is favored by people of Rajasik temperament)

yata-yamam gata-rasam
puti paryusitam ca yat
ucchistam api camedhyam
bhojanam tamasa-priyam

(Food which is stale or old and tasteless. Food that is putrid and has been castaway. Food that is not palatable. Such food is desired by those of Tamasic nature)

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