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Thursday, January 23, 2014

The miracle of my indoor Chili plant

This year's frigid winter has left me cooped up indoors for weeks at end. I can feel a sense of frustration and stress slowly building up within me. Usually a nice long walk outdoors is all it takes to get me back at ease and instantly excited about all the little wonders in a day.

My indoor Chili plant has been making up for the bleak weather outside. The whole winter, I had just one lone green chili grow from the plant. A lot of flowers would bloom only to dry and drop off. I attributed it to the cold weather. A chance visit to my colleagues office turned things around. She had two pepper plants by her office window replete with small peppers. It is from her that I learnt that pepper plants are self-pollinating. All it needs are a few insects and wind to aid in pollination.

From that day, my little kids have been diligently shaking the chili plant everyday to mimic the wind and help the flowers pollinate.

Lo and behold the plant now has more than eight chillies growing!! We count the chillies everyday and it fills us with happiness and wonder.

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