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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Nesting Goose: Love is at the heart of creation

The same goose making her nest this year
Every April through September we get the great opportunity of watching the Canadian Geese go through another cycle of birthing and rearing the little ones. It seems like I will never ever tire of watching them. Last year, I found four nesting areas alongside the wetlands and the marshes. So this year it was easy to look for them as the goose will choose the very same spot again. Everyday after I pick my children from school, we walk over and check on the nesting goose.

Its been a few days now since I saw her preparing the nest. The mother goose plucks soft down from her own breast to line the nest for the delicate eggs. The last two days were harsh with the relentless rain pouring throughout the day. The mother goose was still there with her head tucked low. She still had a long way to go..almost a month. She will not eat, drink, or bathe while incubating. The father goose is constantly on guard standing nearby so she accomplish the immense job that nature has bestowed on her.

This is the time when extraordinary effort, dedication, selfless love, sacrifice .. all come together to continue the song of creation. From now until October, the couple have only one goal and that is to ensure that their little goslings survive. Do we need any other examples of a great mother, a great husband and a great father? If this is not love, what else is??

Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation - Rabindranath Tagore

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