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Thursday, August 13, 2015

An infinity of dandelions mock human folly..

Dandelion seeds ready to takeoff
Summer is coming to an end and in every bit of free earth along the road sides and open lands one can see an infinity of dandelions standing ready to ensure its race continues to eternity. The open spaces look like endless fields of fluffy puff balls. Every seed is perfectly crafted with its very own parachute to be carried as far away as the wind will take it.

Yet, next spring and summer humans in all neighborhoods will toil in vain as they wage a war against the dandelions trying to rid their lawns and backyards of them. If we have witnessed even once this field of dandelion puff balls and have an inkling of the might of the wind, we would stop this foolish activity once and for all!!

Probably we are so closed within our narrow walls that we haven't stepped outside and looked around to see the things happening around us. When will we learn that.. "Mother nature always has the last laugh.."?

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