Why do I write ?

Sunday, March 13, 2016

And life begins again ..

It was just a week ago that the snow began to thaw. The geese have been flying back and forth bidding their time to make a final landing in anticipation for the days to come. There is much work ahead ..to mate, to nest, to incubate the eggs and to rear the young ones before its time to migrate again.
The geese have come home .. 
I noticed that the geese have now paired off to start the mating season. On a quiet afternoon walk yesterday along the wetlands, I chanced on this pair ..deeply engaged in the sacred mating ritual. Shiva and Shakti (the male and female energy) unite again for the continuation of life. There will be joy, trials and tribulations in the days ahead. For that is life!  

A gladness fills my heart in anticipation of the new life that will be here very soon.   

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