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Monday, July 4, 2016

Fearless Red-winged blackbird ..

The small red-winged Blackbird attacking a hawk - pic (Louis Ruth)
I know not how many times I have stood transfixed by this drama unfolding in the clear blue summer sky. The thrilling fight of David and Goliath is replayed over and over as the red-winged blackbird takes on yet another bully several times bigger than himself.

The blackbird fiercely defends its nesting area attacking a raven or a red-tailed hawk that steers close, pecking at it relentlessly and chasing the predatory far and away into the horizon as if to once-and-for-all teach it a lesson of a lifetime so it never dares to come back again! No matter who the bully is and in what size or shape he comes .. be it a heron, raven, eagle or a hawk, the blackbird never gives up without a fight.

To me the red-winged blackbird symbolises 'great courage' and the fight against might! A lesson for us to never put up with bullies and to stand up and fight to the end for what is rightfully ours!! 

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