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Friday, August 26, 2016

Indian pilgrim sites vs American national parks

What happened to the natural beauty of India ..? 
In India, every place of natural beauty, from the grandest mountain to an insignificant hill or stream has a temple because the hill and the smallest stream were once seen with deep reverence. Some ancient man saw the work of god in this pristine setting as he bowed in reverence and admiration. (Gandhi echoes this in his autobiography after seeing the natural beauty of Hrishikesh .."I bow my head in reverence to our ancestors for their sense of the beautiful in Nature, and for their foresight in investing beautiful manifestations of nature with a religious significance")

Soon the masses throng the site to find God ...  completely oblivious of the beautiful surroundings that inspired the first man. Very soon a huge temple is built and the natural area is completely destroyed to accommodate hordes of pilgrims. 

Compare this with what happened in America. John Muir, a nature lover walked the length and breadth of the country and falls in love with every mountain, river, tree and even the lowly moss. His writings inspired a generation of people who strive to preserve the pristine forests, mighty rivers, lakes and the grand old trees of America. President Roosevelt created over a hundred wildlife refuges, national forests, parks spanning over 150 million acres.

To this day and into the far future, the natural wonders of Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Glacier National Park will continue to inspire people as they still reveal the magnificent glory of the creator!!  I can't say the same with Indian pilgrim sites like Badrinath, Kedarnath, Ganges, Sabarimala or the Pamba river.. all of which have been reduced from their former glory to mere concrete and filth. 

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