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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Upanishads: Mind rests on the Breath!

Stress or anxiety stems from the uncontrolled stream of thoughts in the mind. The quickest and easiest way to clear the mind and cope with stress is to become aware of ones breathing. The "mind and breath connection" was so clearly understood by those wise sages of ancient India who expounded this connection in the ancient masterpiece, the Upanishads written around 500 BC.

‘As a bird when tied by a string flies first in every direction, and
finding  no  rest  anywhere,  settles  down  at  last  on  the  very  place
where it is fastened, exactly in the same manner, my son, that mind after flying in
every  direction,  and  finding  no  rest  anywhere,  settles  down  on
breath; for indeed, my son, mind is fastened to breath. 

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