I am immersed in the exquisite songs of Tagore, the greatest philosopher, naturalist and creative genius of the last century. The more I listen the more I am drawn deeper into this vast ocean of songs. No son of Mother Earth has ever loved her as Tagore did! He has sung countless songs of her days, nights, her seasons and all her playful moods. Listening to his songs makes me love this world as much as he did!
Thus at last my day has ended and now in the evening,
I sing my last song to say that I have loved thy world.
In my songs I have voiced thy spring flowers,
and given rhythm to thy rustling leaves.
I have sung into the hush of thy night and peace of thy morning
The thrill of the first summer rains has passed into my tunes,
and the waving of the autumn harvest
Let not my song cease ..
Thus at last my day has ended and now in the evening,
I sing my last song to say that I have loved thy world.
In my songs I have voiced thy spring flowers,
and given rhythm to thy rustling leaves.
I have sung into the hush of thy night and peace of thy morning
The thrill of the first summer rains has passed into my tunes,
and the waving of the autumn harvest
Let not my song cease ..