Saturday, November 19, 2016

Song is the ultimate offering ...

|| Japakoti gunam dhyanam - dhyanakoti gunolayas
   Laya koti gunam ganam - ganat parataram nahi || 

Meaning: Meditating just once is worth chanting verses a million times.
Being in the state of divine union once is worth meditating a million times.
A song sung in true harmony is worth being in the state of divine union a million times
There is nothing greater than song. 

True songs and poems originates from the bliss of the singer who is in a prolonged state of divine union. The saints and seers in the Indian sub continent sang innumerable songs of love, devotion and beauty. These songs form the basis of classical music in India. Singing is therefore considered the ultimate form of worship. 

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy" - Ludwig van Beethoven

Friday, November 18, 2016

Three days of painting ..

The Canadian landscape and seasons have captured my heart in a warm embrace. Sometimes, I try to find ways to express this beauty in my writings, but words always fall short in expressing ones feelings. Painting is the way I choose to express my spiritual reverence for mother nature.

Plien Air painting with John Pryce
I had stopped painting since my favourite instructor John Stuart Pryce moved to the Canadian west coast. I haven't felt the desire to learn from any one else.  I know for certain that John is whom I want to learn from and it is his style that I want to emulate. What is unique about John's style, is the brilliant luminosity and the play of light that brings his paintings to life.

So this fall, I jumped at the rare opportunity to spend three glorious days painting en-plien air with John. Three paintings are what I have to show for it and the satisfaction of having quenched a deep thirst.